Working with text

Auto shapes and table cells can contain text. Other shapes can’t. Text is always manipulated the same way, regardless of its container.

Text exists in a hierarchy of three levels:

All the text in a shape is contained in its text frame. A text frame has vertical alignment, margins, wrapping and auto-fit behavior, a rotation angle, some possible 3D visual features, and can be set to format its text into multiple columns. It also contains a sequence of paragraphs, which always contains at least one paragraph, even when empty.

A paragraph has line spacing, space before, space after, available bullet formatting, tabs, outline/indentation level, and horizontal alignment. A paragraph can be empty, but if it contains any text, that text is contained in one or more runs.

A run exists to provide character level formatting, including font typeface, size, and color, an optional hyperlink target URL, bold, italic, and underline styles, strikethrough, kerning, and a few capitalization styles like all caps.

Let’s run through these one by one. Only features available in the current release are shown.

Accessing the text frame

As mentioned, not all shapes have a text frame. So if you’re not sure and you don’t want to catch the possible exception, you’ll want to check before attempting to access it:

for shape in slide.shapes:
    if not shape.has_text_frame:
    text_frame = shape.text_frame
    # do things with the text frame

Accessing paragraphs

A text frame always contains at least one paragraph. This causes the process of getting multiple paragraphs into a shape to be a little clunkier than one might like. Say for example you want a shape with three paragraphs:

paragraph_strs = [
    'Egg, bacon, sausage and spam.',
    'Spam, bacon, sausage and spam.',
    'Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam.'

text_frame = shape.text_frame
text_frame.clear()  # remove any existing paragraphs, leaving one empty one

p = text_frame.paragraphs[0]
p.text = paragraph_strs[0]

for para_str in paragraph_strs[1:]:
    p = text_frame.add_paragraph()
    p.text = para_str

Adding text

Only runs can actually contain text. Assigning a string to the .text attribute on a shape, text frame, or paragraph is a shortcut method for placing text in a run contained by those objects. The following two snippets produce the same result:

shape.text = 'foobar'

# is equivalent to ...

text_frame = shape.text_frame
p = text_frame.paragraphs[0]
run = p.add_run()
run.text = 'foobar'

Applying text frame-level formatting

The following produces a shape with a single paragraph, a slightly wider bottom than top margin (these default to 0.05”), no left margin, text aligned top, and word wrapping turned off. In addition, the auto-size behavior is set to adjust the width and height of the shape to fit its text. Note that vertical alignment is set on the text frame. Horizontal alignment is set on each paragraph:

from pptx.util import Inches
from pptx.enum.text import MSO_ANCHOR, MSO_AUTO_SIZE

text_frame = shape.text_frame
text_frame.text = 'Spam, eggs, and spam'
text_frame.margin_bottom = Inches(0.08)
text_frame.margin_left = 0
text_frame.vertical_anchor = MSO_ANCHOR.TOP
text_frame.word_wrap = False
text_frame.auto_size = MSO_AUTO_SIZE.SHAPE_TO_FIT_TEXT

The possible values for TextFrame.auto_size and TextFrame.vertical_anchor are specified by the enumeration MSO_AUTO_SIZE and MSO_VERTICAL_ANCHOR respectively.

Applying paragraph formatting

The following produces a shape containing three left-aligned paragraphs, the second and third indented (like sub-bullets) under the first:

from pptx.enum.text import PP_ALIGN

paragraph_strs = [
    'Egg, bacon, sausage and spam.',
    'Spam, bacon, sausage and spam.',
    'Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam.'

text_frame = shape.text_frame

p = text_frame.paragraphs[0]
p.text = paragraph_strs[0]
p.alignment = PP_ALIGN.LEFT

for para_str in paragraph_strs[1:]:
    p = text_frame.add_paragraph()
    p.text = para_str
    p.alignment = PP_ALIGN.LEFT
    p.level = 1

Applying character formatting

Character level formatting is applied at the run level, using the .font attribute. The following formats a sentence in 18pt Calibri Bold and applies the theme color Accent 1.

from pptx.dml.color import RGBColor
from pptx.enum.dml import MSO_THEME_COLOR
from pptx.util import Pt

text_frame = shape.text_frame
text_frame.clear()  # not necessary for newly-created shape

p = text_frame.paragraphs[0]
run = p.add_run()
run.text = 'Spam, eggs, and spam'

font = run.font = 'Calibri'
font.size = Pt(18)
font.bold = True
font.italic = None  # cause value to be inherited from theme
font.color.theme_color = MSO_THEME_COLOR.ACCENT_1

If you prefer, you can set the font color to an absolute RGB value. Note that this will not change color when the theme is changed:

font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0xFF, 0x7F, 0x50)

A run can also be made into a hyperlink by providing a target URL:

run.hyperlink.address = ''